DisneyLando!! we just arrived :0
DisneyLando!! we are about to leave ;)
Contrast In Cultures
Practicing YOGA
Ya Man! Jamaica ftw!
Power Rangers :P
The famous rockstar Ibrahim with one of his big fans
We picked them up outside the Subway Station, the guy in the middle is an Indie singer and he was performing in the street, he's really good, Zizu and I bought his CD
QNKT(Q8Japan National Karate Team) OSU!!!
This time they really wanted to take a pic with us so badly, I'm not kidding ;)
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollow
Baloolo-San with Fuji-San
Pic with our tour guide to Fuji-san, his name is Harry, and his English is not Harry at all
I believe I can fly~
This pic was shot in Ginza, the most luxurious shopping district in Tokyo, the main event of this pic is our Japanese friend Samir Shingo, he studies arabic language.
Gomu Gomu no FUUSEN!!!
This pic is a memorial of meeting our Japanese friends, Shingo and Keita, Keita speaks very good arabic by the way :)
This pic was taken when we visited NY the other day :P
They never stop following us :(
NIce pic :)
aham shay m3 el ma5ama, i believe i can fly or i believe i can commet suicide?!!!
more girls :S
fe nas ma yesme3oon el kalam :)
Loved the pics =D
its nice to see enkom enjoyin ur time =)
i luved the goofy hate or wutever they are =p
ibrahim nice faces bl pics looool lazim 7arakaat ;p
w a5eeran shefna samer madry shsma!!
w magltoolena yomha shloon kan el "HaLaL" Lunch?
w shno hatha el temthaal el mteen ely m9awr yama? ely rab6 ba6na =S
P.S. 4 iBrahim: "14 outta 20 Selected Pics by me" ;)
Allah Yewafqikom , Ye7afi'6kom eNShaƔllah
Mo7amad eL3Ly ;>
the pic are very nice :)
i reaky like harry potter photo :P
i want to ask about the place where bnbn play yoga, is it a charge?
nice pictures but they're not good enough to satisfy me... so stop picking up girls and start taking the good pictures
nice pic with nice 7arakat ;p
yallah a7na na6rinkom trj3oon 3shan enshoof bajy e99oar :D
awal marra adry ena feeh disneyland bel Japan
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa luuufffyyyyyy. 3jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiib. barhooooom yebbaa m3aaak wella dizly eyaa amrikaaa.... 7adda 3ajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiib
el9war 3ajiba.... 7e6olna zyada kither ma tegdoroon, o nkoon lokom shakreen
sh'3el 3adel , 5oosh 9owar ,
gomo gomo no :P i like it
have Fun guys and we need more..
shabab naby enshoof teknolojyat alyaban . ( ma ya6loboh al moshahdoom)
fahad alhassan.
3jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebh al 9ower
3leeeeeeeeeeeeekem bl3afia
dont forget my toy!!!
we need more from those pictures @@specially@@ about my toy
best wishes,
ibrahim al-shehab
WaaaaaaaW ReaLLy Nice piczZ mashallaa :D:D:D
YaLLa HaVe Fun ;p enshalla
I'm glad that u've enjoyed ur time there :)
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