هذا جدول لتكاليف الرحلة المتوقعة بالنسبة للشخص الواحد و بالدينار الكويتي احنا مسوينة
Basically, a table of all the costs of the trip, all the prices listed are in Kuwaiti Dinar (KD)
Basically, a table of all the costs of the trip, all the prices listed are in Kuwaiti Dinar (KD)
1.00 KD = 3.54053 USD according to xe.com on 30th july
I hope that this list would be helpful for anyone who is planning to go to Japan.

السلام عليكم
Thank you for visit my blog.
I'm working in Tokyo now.
if you come to Japan, we can meet in Tokyo. please e-mail me if you're ok.
حركات والله يا البرم زين تسوي
nice orginizing bas fee shwayya men seyasat eltgashshef :p
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